A full list of the trophies that you can obtain can be found in the Trophies Section. Trophies are optional achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks in the PS4 version of the game. The Harpy will need to use Aqualung on your party - it is a particularly devastating attack that will do 400-500 damage to each of your party members so be sure to keep their HP high throughout the battle. The enemy you are looking for is called a Harpy (shown in the screenshot below). Use the Buggy to wander around in the sand area just outside Gold Saucer and the Corel Prison. It is a water-based spell that does a fair amount of damage. The first Enemy Skill is called Aqualung. You can cast Manipulate on enemies which will cause them to cast beneficial spells on your party which you can then learn through your Enemy Skill Materia.

Some of them you are now able to obtain on account of the Manipulate Materia which you’ve picked up (it comes equipped on Cait Sith when he joins your party). Obtaining them has been made much easier now that you have access to the Buggy.
There are a number of key Enemy Skills that you should seek out to add to your Enemy Skill Materia at this point in the game.